Businesses of all sizes cannot afford to take risks in today’s unpredictable economic environment. Indeed, every company, regardless of whether they are an SME or a multi-national, must be very careful about those they choose to do business with.This is why it is now so important for companies to carry out regular credit checks on their clients. Put simply, businesses need to know whether or not any of their clients are struggling; they need to know who is paying their suppliers promptly – and who’s not.
Fortunately, Euler Hermes can provide businesses with all of the commercial information they need to enjoy much greater peace of mind.Euler Hermes is the world’s largest trade credit insurance provider and as such, they are able to source practical, relevant credit information regarding the commercial operations of all types of companies and enterprises.
In fact, Euler Hermes specialist Risk Offices process data from over 40 million businesses every single day through a global network which is spread across over 50 countries around the world. Be credit insurer (in fact, no other commercial intelligence gatherer) can match.tween them, these Risk Offices provide Euler Hermes with an intelligence capability that no other
Quite simply, working with such resources gives Euler Hermes unrivaled access to the most up to date and pertinent trading information available – and that is something which responsible, forward-looking companies of all sizes simply cannot be without.