Getting a credit card with bad credit is not a simple task, but it is not end of the world. Credit cards which will be available at the time of bad credit may charge you high interest rates and fees; it may affect your credit card life in the long run. You can repair or build your credit with the help of following credit cards which are treated as superheroes according to industry experts. Following are some of the 2013 credit cards with the poor credit. The following listed credit cards were listed based on users feedback, customer service and fees they are charging.
Capital One Secured MasterCard:
According to industry experts, Capital One Secured MasterCard is the number one credit card to improve your poor credit. Most cards will ask you to deposit at least 159£, but this one allows to deposit as low as 31£. The annual fees are reasonable 18£. This card will not charge any foreign transition fees and three major credit bureaus will take the credit reports.
Orchard bank credit card:
Based on your credit worthiness, mega bank HSBC, the mother bank of Orchard bank will grant three types of cards and a secured card. It will charge APR from 14.9 % to 19.9 % depending on your credit. The unsecured cards may come with the annual fees ranging from 24£ to 37£. It works like a regular credit card and helps you to build poor credit. If you are qualified for this credit card, you should deposit a minimum 127£.
Citi Secured MasterCard:
It comes with no monthly maintenance fee and pretty low annual fee 18£, but APR is little high 18.24%. Citi Secured MasterCard will invest your deposit in CDs unlike other secured cards.
Mango Prepaid MasterCard:
Usually prepaid credit cards will charge high interest rates and fees but Mango Prepaid MasterCard is an exception which comes with lowest fees in the industry. Prepaid cards won’t report to the credit bureaus and don’t ask you for refundable deposits. You don’t need to pay interest on these cards. If you want to build your damaged credit without much risk, Mango Prepaid MasterCard may be right choice for you.
Open Sky Secured Visa Card:
This amazing credit card comes with pretty low interest rate. It may grant you without credit check. You have to deposit minimum 127£ to avail this card to get credit line of up to 191£, if you are qualified. According to finance experts, the average unsecured credit card will be 14%, but it comes with as low as 9.75% which is pretty much low. You should be annual maintenance fee 31£ which is little high.
The above credit cards may save you from bad credit, while applying for any of the above credit cards, make sure that you are applying along with payment protection insurance. If you are unemployed, disabled or unable to monthly credit cards bills on time, PPI claims will get activated to offer refunds.
and bureaus will take the credit reports.
Orchard bank credit card:
Based on your credit worthiness, megabank HSBC, the mother bank of Orchard bank will grant three types of cards and a secured card. It will charge APR from 14.9 % to 19.9 % depending on your credit. The unsecured cards may come with the annual fees ranging from 24£ to 37£. It works like a regular credit card and helps you to build poor credit. If you are qualified for this credit card, you should deposit a minimum 127£.
Citi Secured MasterCard:
It comes with no monthly maintenance fee and pretty low annual fee 18£, but APR is little high 18.24%. Citi Secured MasterCard will invest your deposit in CDs unlike other secured cards.
Mango Prepaid MasterCard:
Usually prepaid credit cards will charge high interest rates and fees but Mango Prepaid MasterCard is an exception which comes with lowest fees in the industry. Prepaid cards won’t report to the credit bureaus and don’t ask you for refundable deposits. You don’t need to pay interest on these cards. If you want to build your damaged credit without much risk, Mango Prepaid MasterCard may be right choice for you.
Open Sky Secured Visa Card:
This amazing credit card comes with pretty low interest rate. It may grant you without credit check. You have to deposit minimum 127£ to avail this card to get credit line of up to 191£, if you are qualified. According to finance experts, the average unsecured credit card will be 14%, but it comes with as low as 9.75% which is pretty much low. You should be annual maintenance fee 31£ which is little high.
The above credit cards may save you from bad credit, while applying for any of the above credit cards, make sure that you are applying along with payment protection insurance. If you are unemployed, disabled or unable to monthly credit cards bills on time, PPI claims will get activated to offer refunds.